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Showing posts from December, 2009

Microsoft loses i4i appeal, faces Word injunction in three weeks

I just finished reading this article and it grinds on me. I cannot speak to the details of this patent but on the surface it looks to me like many software patents. They fail on the Non-Obvious test. Maybe it is because I understand software but what amazes me is far different from my wife who is in the medical field and even further from those I meet who are less educated. This does not even come close to impressing me!! I am not a M$ groupie as they have many unworthy patents too. The patent system is broke in this this area as well as others. This is not Dave over Goliath. It is Dave leveraging a broken system over Goliath. The same system Goliath leverages to maintain competitive advantages. Wrong is Wrong even when Dave does it. You can read it here...
I know of no study showing the facts but things seem a certain way to me. Why does it feel like private benefits are cut and get more expensive while government jobs do not?