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Showing posts from July, 2011

AppleInsider | After $8M victory, Personal Audio sues Apple again over same patent

AppleInsider | After $8M victory, Personal Audio sues Apple again over same patent Apple is victim of their own tactics. Reading through this patent US Patent No 6,199,076 reaffirms my belief most patents do not pass the obvious test. I see on the horizon many things possible in 10 years with trends technology today. I just need to the funds to invest in these obvious hail mary patents.

DailyTech - Google Ex-CEO: Apple Doesn't Innovate, They Sue

DailyTech - Google Ex-CEO: Apple Doesn't Innovate, They Sue Well I think several of the comments are not completely true. But lets face it, many of the patents I have read are ridiculous. I would suggest Google's Android is successful not because of the innovation. Most of innovation in the OS is obvious natural next steps from the past work. The strength is the openness of the process and inclusion of the public. The value it adds. Just like free markets are good for the global economy. Frivolous patents and lawsuits are friction to innovation and value you add applications and systems.

Microsoft patent division taking cash from at least 5 Android vendors

Microsoft patent division taking cash from at least 5 Android vendors I love some of Microsoft products. However, the patent system is broken. It becomes barrier innovation and small companies. Google and Android is not small but it is success is largely due to the free availability of it to the masses. The masses ability to review, critique and contribute and then use. Just like other products, java, linux, etc.... I suspect the arguments will sound like those of the drug industry. We invested so much we must protect our investment. As we watch big Pharma die a slow death from protectionism and gaming the patent system. A company that wants to make money needs to add VALUE not put up white picket fences. I provide services to my employers. If I put up picket fences to protect my JOB, I would be fired as soon as possible. We need to fire this type of action. It is friction to innovation not lubricant.